NHW and its regulations

The importance of efficient waste management for the Environment

Waste is any substance that the holder discards or is obliged to discard Non-hazardous waste is any waste that does not have the characteristics of hazardous waste.

It includes the following:

  • Inert wastes, understood as those solid or pasty wastes that once deposited in a landfill do not undergo significant physicochemical or biological transformations and are not considered toxic and hazardous.
  • Inertized wastes, which are those generated in the inertization operations of hazardous wastes and which have lost this latter character, becoming wastes assimilated to inert wastes.
  • Other solid or pasty wastes that can undergo physical, chemical or biological transformations but do not have hazardous characteristics.

Waste is generated in two types of sectors. On the one hand, the metal transformation industry, the sawmill industry, scrap metal, the paper industry, the manufacture of metal products, metal smelting and ferrous metal filings, and on the other hand, construction and demolition waste, which differs from the previous ones in that it is not generated periodically in localized industries.

One of the European goals is to achieve greater resource efficiency and resource and waste management to ensure more sustainable production and consumption patterns, thus decoupling resource use and waste generation and the rate of economic growth, and to ensure that the consumption of both renewable and non-renewable resources does not exceed the absorption capacity of the environment.

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